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Product Listings Block button doesn't show

We've seen some themes whereby the add to cart button doesn't show on the Listings Block. 

The following CSS should fix things. 

.sfpbk-list-product {<br>	position: relative;<br>}.sfpbk-list-product a.button.alt {<br>	color: #fff;<br>	background-color: #32373c;<br>	border: none;<br>	border-radius: 1.55em;<br>	box-shadow: none;<br>	cursor: pointer;<br>	display: inline-block;<br>	font-size: 1.125em;<br>	padding: .667em 1.333em;<br>	text-align: center;<br>	text-decoration: none;<br>	overflow-wrap: break-word;<br>}.sfpbk-list-product a.button.alt:after {<br>	content: '';<br>	position: absolute;<br>	top: 0;<br>	left: 0;<br>	right: 0;<br>	bottom: 0;<br>}